NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Managing Stress at Work

This qualification will help learners, and their organisations reduce one of the biggest causes of work-related ill health; stress.

Course Overview

This qualification will help learners, and their organisations reduce one of the biggest causes of work-related ill health; stress.

Developed with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the health and safety regulator for Great Britain, the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Managing Stress at Work aims to help you identify and reduce workplace stressors in order to create a positive, healthier workplace.

“Organisations that take action to reduce work-related stress before it becomes a problem have reported improvements in productivity, staff retention and a reduction in sickness absence. It’s more than that though. It’s about creating the right work environment for people to thrive and if you don’t look at what you are doing at the organisational level, everything else is just a sticking plaster.”

Jen Webster – Occupational Psychologist, HSE

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Who’s it for?

This qualification is suitable for anyone responsible for employee wellbeing or for managing workplace stress, including :
Health and Safety professionals
Human Resource professionals
Line managers and supervisors
Occupational health professionals

Entry requirements

It is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus.

NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit MSW1: Identifying and managing workplace stressors

Element 1: Key principles
Element 2: Identification of risk
Element 3: Implementing interventions

What will I learn?

Studying this qualification will help you understand:
The key principles of work-related stress and its relationship to mental ill health issues
How to recognise the causes and effects of workplace stress
The responsibilities of employers and individual roles in managing workplace stress
How to apply the HSE’s Management Standards approach to assess stress risks in the workplace
How to develop suitable interventions to address stressors, reduce negative impacts, and manage the effects of stress in the workplace
Ways to continually improve your organisation and create a great place to work

Benefits for Employers

Investing in the understanding and prevention of work-related stress and improved wellbeing can benefit your organisation in several ways. This qualification will help you to:
Build valuable in-house expertise
Improve staff attendance levels and reduce absences
Boost staff performance and productivity
Enhance your organisation’s reputation
Build organisational and workforce resilience
Reduce the threat of litigation
Create a safer and healthier work environment

This qualification will give you confidence that your team is trained in HSE’s current approach to managing and controlling stress at work. By adopting the principles taught in this qualification you can empower your employees to create a positive workplace, and significantly reduce the causes and effects of workplace stress.


A one hour multiple-choice assessment is completed at the end of the course. You will be presented with a realistic workplace scenario, and will answer multiple-choice questions focused on the principles learnt throughout the course.

Course Programme

A 1 day (7 hour) course including the assessment.

It can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Open Course Locations and Price

This course is available Live Online [via Zoom] at £295.00 (+ VAT) per learner, which includes all the NEBOSH Fees, etc.

This course is also available in-house, both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

In-House Course Fees

The course can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:

NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:

NEBOSH IIRSM Certificate in Managing Risk ~ Via eLearning

The NEBOSH IIRSM Certificate in Managing Risk will help you develop risk management skills that can be used in any organisation, industry, and job, anywhere in the world!

Course Overview

The NEBOSH IIRSM Certificate in Managing Risk provides a comprehensive overview of risk and risk management. It is a great way for health and safety professionals to expand their knowledge of risk beyond health and safety, making it a great further study option for NEBOSH Certificate and Diploma holders.

The NEBOSH IIRSM Certificate in Managing Risk will help you develop risk management skills that can be used in any organisation, industry, and job, anywhere in the world!

We are living in very uncertain and disrupted times, so it has never been as important for organisations to reduce threats and maximise opportunities or, to put this another way, to manage organisational risk!

Effective risk management helps ensure better decisions are made that will protect people, organisations, and reputations. NEBOSH and IIRSM have
combined their expertise in education and risk to deliver a qualification that can help you achieve this.

The course content provides a comprehensive overview of ‘risk’ including:

  • The risk management process and framework, based on ISO 31000.
  • The relationship between psychology and decision making.
  • The relationship between risk management, business continuity, crisis management and organisational resilience.

Who is it for?

The NEBOSH IIRSM Certificate in Managing Risk is a perfect choice for anyone who wants to be able to identify, evaluate, and manage organisational risks and understand their impacts. It is particularly relevant for risk professionals looking to gain a broader view of risk beyond a specialism such as health and safety, quality, or business continuity.

What will I learn?

By studying this qualification, you will learn:

– the principles of risk and risk management.
– the risk management process and framework based on ISO 31000.
– the relationship between psychology and decision-making.
– how to analyse the environment in which an organisation operates, identifying potential risks and opportunities.
– the relationship between risk management, business continuity, crisis management and organisational resilience.


How will it help me?

Broaden knowledge – provides a comprehensive overview of risk and risk management, which is helpful if you currently focus on a particular aspect of risk such as health and safety.
Transferrable skills – the skills gained can be used in any organisation, industry, and job, anywhere in the world
Professional development – your studies will help you develop risk management skills that are in demand
Recognition – you will be eligible to apply for Associate membership of IIRSM, at a discounted rate for the first year.

IIRSM Membership Offer

Learners who successfully complete this e-learning course can receive a discount code for 25% off their first years’ IIRSM membership.

Advantages for employers

This qualification can help you to:
– build valuable in-house expertise
– demonstrate your commitment to effective risk management
– better protect your people, reputation, and profits

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

However, the course is currently only available in English, so it is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus. NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit MAR1: Managing Risk Effectively

Element 1 – Principles of risk and risk management

Element 2 – The risk management process

Element 3 – The risk management framework


To achieve the qualification, learners must complete and pass the Unit MAR1 assessment. This assessment is an onscreen multiple-choice examination.

The assessment takes 1 hour to complete. It’s a mixed format of multiple choice (select one answer) and multiple response (where you select more than one answer) questions. There are 20 questions in total which are chosen randomly from a bank at the time you take the test.

It is available on-demand, which means once learners have completed the eLearning course, they can take the assessment at any time and will receive their results immediately. Learners will get two attempts at the assessment.

Once a learner has achieved a ‘Pass’ they are normally considered to have completed the qualification and an e-certificate will be issued instantly.

After registration learners have 3 months / 90 days to complete the eLearning content and integrated Assessment. If not completed in this time, learners will be charged a re-registration fee by NEBOSH if they wish to continue their studies.

Course Programme

The qualification is delivered over 28 hours of tuition, with 8 hours of additional self-study recommended.

Joining instructions will be sent to learners by e-mail directly from NEBOSH within 10 days of being registered.

To access the NEBOSH eLearning Platform learners need to:
– Click on the link supplied in their joining instructions
– Input the username and password provided
– Change their password as instructed

There is a tutorial video available on the site to help learners familiarise themselves with the platform before they commence their studies.

Learners can work their way through the course at their own pace. Everything you need to complete the course and assessment is contained on the platform.

From the date that they are uploaded onto the NEBOSH eLearning platform, Learners have 3 months / 90 days to complete the eLearning content and integrated Assessment. If not completed in this time, learners will be charged a re-registration fee by NEBOSH if they wish to continue their studies.

Course Price

This course is available via eLearning at £425.00 (+ VAT) per learner, which includes the e-learning course, two attempts at the assessment and the digital certificate.

There are bulk purchase discounts available should you wish to purchase three or more eLearning licences at once.

Please be aware that prices vary for delegates on our discounted ELC Funded Training Package Scheme. For more information please go to the following webpage:

Course Workbook

The eLearning course contains everything a learner needs to complete the qualification, but NEBOSH have produced a workbook as an optional extra. The workbook can act as a useful reminder when a learner’s access to the eLearning course ends after passing the qualification.

This supplementary workbook is available both as an eBook (cost – £42+VAT) and a hardcopy book (cost £49). Learners will be able to buy the hardcopy book direct from the NEBOSH shop here: when it is released, but eBook orders will need to be placed through ourselves.


How do I get access to the course?
When we register you with NEBOSH, you will receive an email with your username and password and a link to the eLearning platform. This email should arrive within 10 working days of purchasing the course.

How do I reset my password if I forget it?
Go to the eLearning website and use the ‘forgotten password’ link.

How long do I get to complete the course?
From the date that they are uploaded onto the NEBOSH eLearning platform, Learners have 3 months / 90 days to complete the eLearning content and integrated Assessment. If not completed in this time, learners will be charged a re-registration fee by NEBOSH if they wish to continue their studies.

How is the course assessed?
It’s a mixed format of multiple choice (select one answer) and multiple response (where you select more than one answer) questions. There are 20 questions in total which are chosen randomly from a bank at the time you take the test. You take the exam online when you are ready.

How many attempts do I get at the exam?
Two attempts at the assessment are included in your course fee. When you press the ‘ENTER’ button this will count as an attempt even if you abort it. It is very important that you only click this button when you are ready to ensure you use your attempts wisely. If you are referred on the second attempt, please contact us and we will be able to advise you on your options.

Will you provide a hard copy of the certificate?
The certificate for the NEBOSH IIIRSM Certificate in Managing Risk is only available digitally at the present time. Your certificate will be emailed to you directly, along with an exclusive IIRSM member offer, after successful completion of the assessment.

Can I use this course to count towards CPD (e.g. or IOSH)?
What counts as CPD can be quite personal as it depends on its value to you in developing you as a professional. This qualification will help you expand your understanding of risk beyond your specialism and this will make it CPD worthy for most learners.

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Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:


NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:


NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Manual Handling Risk Assessment

Achieving this qualification will give you the confidence that your approach to manual handling risk assessment reflects HSE guidance and best practice

Course Overview

NEBOSH and Great Britain’s health and safety regulator, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), have partnered to develop a new qualification aimed at preventing one of the main causes of musculoskeletal disorders; manual handling.

The NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Manual Handling Risk Assessment is a one-day qualification, based on HSE’s best practice guidance and tools. The content will help you to identify and assess manual handling risk, and more importantly, prioritise controls to protect workers.

Matt Powell-Howard, NEBOSH Head of Product Development, says: “Many organisations jump straight to providing training on manual handling – how to lift etcetera. In developing this qualification we’re encouraging organisations to take a step back and take the time to effectively risk assess their manual handling activities. By doing so they may be able to eliminate or reduce an activity and, if manual handling is required, then they’ll have all the information they need to protect their workers.”

[su_youtube url=”” title=”NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Manual Handling Risk Assessment”]

Who is it for?

The NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Manual Handling Risk Assessment is for anyone who gets involved with assessing and addressing manual handling risks. It is common for the following roles to have these responsibilities:

  • Health and safety professionals
  • Workplace champions
  • Employee representatives
  • Occupational health practitioners.

What will I learn?

The qualification will help you to:

  • Explain the importance of reducing risks associated with manual handling activities
  • Understand responsibilities in relation to manual handling
  • Explain what manual handling risks are and how they may result in injury
  • Demonstrate and practice appropriate manual handling risk assessment technique
  • Apply wider elements of risk management for manual handling.

How will it help my organisation?

Using this qualification to build in-house expertise will help organisations:

  • Protect team members from one of the main causes of musculoskeletal disorders
  • Have confidence that the approach adopted to manual handling risk assessment reflects best practice and utilises HSE manual handling tools and templates.

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) accounted for 8.9million lost working days in Great Britain in 2019/20 with manual handling estimated to be the main cause. 0.5 million workers suffered from a work-related musculoskeletal disorder in 2020/21, with a cost to organisations and to the UK economy. This is a global problem; the World Health Organization estimates 1.71 billion people experience musculoskeletal conditions worldwide, three in five workers in Europe report MSD complaints, more than half of US adults experience an MSD and it’s estimated that they cost countries between 0.5-2% of Gross National Product.

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

It is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus. NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 5.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit MHR1: Assessing Manual Handling Risk

Element 1: Principles of manual handling

Element 2: Managing manual handling risk: Identification of risk factors

Element 3: Managing manual handling risk: Control of risk


A practical assessment is completed at the end of the course. After watching a video of a manual handling activity in a workplace, you will be asked to assess it using HSE tools and templates. Further detail is provided in the syllabus guide and Assessment Guidance documentation that are available to download from the Resources section below.

Course Programme

The qualification is delivered over one day of tuition.

It can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Open Course Locations and Price

This course is available Live Online [via Zoom] at £295.00 (+ VAT) per learner, which includes all the NEBOSH Fees, etc.


This course is also available in-house, both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

In-House Course Fees

The course can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:


NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:


NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work

The qualification meets the training requirement for organisations implementing ISO 14001.

Course Overview

The NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work Qualification provides a useful introduction to environmental issues at work. It highlights the role workers can play in improving organisational environmental performance and will aid understanding of environmental impacts and risk control. It meets the training requirement for organisations implementing ISO 14001.

It is accessible to all. No prior knowledge is required and the content is relevant wherever you work around the world.

There is also the option to add content relevant to the environmental impacts and issues faced by a company or sector.

The qualification is an ideal first step towards progressing to the NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management, which provides a more extensive and practical understanding of environmental management in the workplace.

Our qualifications are developed based on extensive research with health and safety professionals, employers, professional bodies and regulators to ensure that they remain relevant, rigorous as well as achievable and practical.

You will be assessed on your ability to apply your skills and knowledge to a wide range of issues and how to deliver positive change to a real workplace.

Who is it for?

This qualification is for anyone who needs to gain a basic understanding of environmental impacts and risk control. It provides an introduction to implementing ISO 14001.

It is an environmental qualification for learners with no prior knowledge of the subject required.

The qualification has global relevance and covers the principles of environmental management, not UK specific law. It may be particularly relevant for:

  • Team leaders and supervisors
  • Facilities managers
  • Anyone wishing to ensure they work positively with regard to the environment


NEBOSH Gold Learning Provider Banner

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification, however, it is important that learners are able to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus in the language that the course delivery and assessment will be completed in.

NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification in English should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 5.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit EAW1: Environmental Awareness

Element 1. Foundations of environmental awareness

1.1 Identify the meaning of: the environment; weather; climate; habitats; ecosystems; biodiversity; pollution; sustainability
1.2 Identify the importance and benefits of sustainable development
1.3 Identify an environmental management system’s main components and the certification process.

Element 2. Pollution, impact assessments and emergencies

2.1 Outline the principles and practice of impact assessments
2.2 Identify the main sources, types, controls and impacts of air pollution
2.3 Identify the main sources, controls and impacts of water pollution
2.4 Identify the main sources, controls and impacts of environmental noise
2.5 Identify waste types
2.6 Identify the waste hierarchy and ways to effectively manage waste
2.7 Outline the measures that need to be in place when dealing with emergencies.


Unit EAW1 is a taught unit assessed by an online 30 minute multiple-choice exam.

The question paper consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth one mark and has one correct and three incorrect responses available. The question paper covers the whole syllabus with at least one question per element and all questions are compulsory.

The multiple choice assessment must be accessed and completed via NEBOSH’s Online Assessment Platform and completed within a 24-hour assessment window. Learners can begin their assessment at any time within the 24-hour window but, once they have started the assessment, they must complete it within the designated time frame for the unit (30 minutes for EAW1). These assessments will also be remotely proctored to ensure their integrity.

Online multiple choice assessments will take place four times per year – upcoming dates can be found here:


Course Format

The NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work qualification is usually delivered as a fully face-to-face instructor-led course delivered over 1 day [with some pre-course study].

Please see our course calendar for dates.

In-House Course Fees

This course is only available in-house.

This course can be delivered in-house both by live online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face. Please contact us for a quote.

Course Dates and Venues

Please see our course calendar for all of our current course dates.

E-Learning Course

Not Currently Available.

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:

NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:

NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health

The NEBOSH International General Certificate is the gold standard in health and safety qualifications (outside the UK)


Course Overview

There’s never been a better time to join nearly 90,000 people who have the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety.

Thousands of leading experts and organisations have helped us update the most widely respected health and safety qualification of its kind in the world. This means that it’s designed to reflect the needs of today’s employer giving learners everything they need to know and do to make their workplace safer.

Relevant to every workplace, the NEBOSH International General Certificate is ideal for managers, supervisors and anybody with health and safety management responsibilities. It’s also perfect for those embarking on a health and safety career and gives you a stepping stone to success.

Trusted by many prestigious organisations such as Maersk, Shell, BP, Skanska, Nestle and the Dubai World Trade Centre, it can help to:

  • Minimise workplace injuries and illness
  • Boost employee wellbeing
  • Demonstrate your commitment to health and safety, which can win business

Holders of the NEOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety are entitled to Associate Membership (AIOSH) of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). The qualification also meets the academic requirements for Technician membership (TechIOSH) of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification, however it is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus.

NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Employers ask for NEBOSH

NEBOSH Gold Learning Provider Banner


Unit IG1: Management of Health and Safety

Element 1: Why we should manage workplace and safety
Element 2: How health and safety management systems work and what they look like
Element 3: Managing risk – understanding people and processes
Element 4: Health and safety monitoring and measuring

26 hours tuition, 20 hours recommended self-study time and an open book assessment.

Unit IG2: Risk Assessment

Element 5: Physical and psychological health
Element 6: Musculoskeletal health
Element 7: Chemical and biological agents
Element 8: General workplace issues
Element 9: Work equipment
Element 10: Fire
Element 11: Electricity

39 hours tuition, 20 hours recommended self-study time and 3 hours assessment time [practical  assessment].


Units IG1 and IG2 are taught units.

Unit IG1 is assessed by an “open book” case study assessment. A learner has 24 hours to complete the assessment after receiving the case study information, but NEBOSH believe they should be able to finish the questions in 4-5 hours. This is followed by a closing interview to confirm that the submitted assessment is all the learners own work.

Unit IG2 is a three-hour practical examination carried out by the learner in their own workplace.

Course Programme

Block Release (Full Time) – a 10 day course (not including the assessments).

This course is only available in-house. It can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

This course is only available in-house. It can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:


NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:

NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate

The qualification is appropriate for professionals, managers and supervisors working in any industry with environmental impacts.

Course Overview

This qualification is designed for anyone who has responsibilities for managing environmental issues as part of their work. The qualification is designed to be globally relevant and benefit companies in all industry sectors who are seeking to implement effective environmental management systems, increase positive environmental impacts, and reduce negative environmental impacts.

On completion of the qualification, your learners will be able to:

  • understand a range of environmental issues in order to improve performance and reduce harm;
  • work with an environmental management system and contribute to continual improvement;
  • recognise environmental aspects and evaluate current controls;
  • support decision-making with ethical, legal, and financial arguments;
  • Understand the links between your organisation’s activities and wider environmental issues.

Who is it for?

The NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate is an ideal choice for anyone who has or would like to have environmental management responsibilities at work. It will help you to:

  • justify environmental management in the workplace
  • recognise which workplace activities may be subject to environmental legislation or enforcement
  • assess environmental aspects and impacts, and evaluate existing controls
  • support environmental emergency planning
  • understand the importance of reducing environmental harm
  • outline the issues associated with waste and its management
  • explain the pros and cons of various energy sources and how to use them more efficiently.

NEBOSH Gold Learning Provider Banner

This is a replacement qualification for the NEBOSH National Certificate in Environmental Management. If you are studying the previous syllabus, further information can be found on the NEBOSH website here.

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

It is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus. NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit EMC1: Management and Control of Environmental Aspects

Element 1. Foundations in environmental management
Element 2. Environmental management systems
Element 3. Assessing environmental aspects and impacts
Element 4. Planning for and dealing with environmental emergencies
Element 5. Control of emissions to air
Element 6. Control of environmental noise
Element 7. Control of contamination of water sources
Element 8. Control of waste and land use
Element 9. Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency

Unit EMC2: Assessing environmental aspects and associated impacts

Practical Application


The course is presented as 1 x 1 week block.

Unit EMC1 is a taught unit assessed by an “open book” case study assessment. You will be required to review a real-life scenario and answer a number of theoretical and practical questions on environmental management. You have 24 hours to complete and return the assessment after receiving the case study information from NEBOSH. This is followed by a closing interview to confirm that the submitted assessment is all your own work.

Unit EMC2 requires the learner to assess environmental aspects and impacts present in their chosen workplace.

Course Programme

Block Release [5 day] course – 1 x 1 week block and 1 day for the examination.

Please see our course calendar for dates.

Open Course Locations and Prices

Block Release – £990.00 + Vat = £1,188.00 [per delegate]

The price includes the course text books, additional notes, NEBOSH fees, light lunches and refreshments during the course.

Please see our course calendar for dates.

Please be aware that prices vary for delegates on our discounted Resettlement and ELC Funded Training Package Scheme.

“In line with JSP 822, the funding received for ELCAS approved courses shall only include tuition, examination and certification fees, and VAT and that this excludes funding for food, accommodation, travel and subsistence and course study materials; it is also acknowledged, that the Service Personnel/Service Leavers are personally responsible for the funding of such provisions”.

For more information please go to the following webpage:

Course Dates and Venues

Please see our course calendar for all of our current course dates.

E-Learning Course

Not Currently Available.

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:

NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:

NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management

Designed for high hazard industries where process safety management is critically important.

Course Overview

NEBOSH joined forces with Great Britain’s Health and Safety Regulator, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), to develop the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management.

This process safety management qualification is the result of the unique collaboration which combines the advanced technical ‘high hazard’ expertise of HSE with NEBOSH’s ability to deliver strong vocational OSH qualifications.  It is designed to equip delegates with a broad understanding of the accepted principles and recognised industrial practices for the management of process risk. This will ensure that they can recognise and contribute to the control of process safety hazards.

NEBOSH qualifications are developed based on extensive research with health and safety professionals, employers, professional bodies and regulators to ensure they are relevant and rigorous as well as achievable and practical.

It is a real pleasure to co-develop this new qualification with NEBOSH. We hope that by combining our strengths, this qualification will help to significantly improve understanding and further reduce health and safety risks in the process industries worldwide.

Karen Russ – Science and Commercial Director – Health & Safety Executive (HSE)


Who is it for?

People from all around the world who work in process industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals. It is ideal for managers, safety representatives and health and safety advisors working within the process industries, both inside and outside the UK.

It is not designed for chemical and process safety engineers experienced in the specification, design and maintenance of process plant.

It is recommended that learners should already have an underpinning knowledge of health and safety issues, and many will have gained another NEBOSH qualification.


How will it help employers?

The NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety management benefits companies working in the process industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals who are seeking to implement effective process safety management.

It is used effectively by industry to help keep people safe from injury and loss of life. For employers this also means protecting valuable assets and avoiding prosecution, litigation and loss of reputation.

People who hold the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management have practical knowledge that brings real value, wherever they operate. This can help employers achieve international standards and can even help win new business.

NEBOSH Gold Learning Provider Banner

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification, but’ it is recommended that learners should already have an underpinning knowledge of health and safety issues, and many will have gained another NEBOSH qualification.

It is also important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus.

NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit PSM1: Process Safety Management

Element 1. Process safety leadership
Element 2. Management of process risk
Element 3. Process safety hazard control
Element 4. Fire protection and emergency response


Unit PSM1 is a taught unit assessed by an online 90 minute multiple-choice exam.

The question paper consists of 40 multiple-choice questions; 10 of the questions are extended scenario questions which will be randomly distributed throughout the paper. Each question is worth one mark and has one correct and three incorrect responses available. The question paper covers the whole syllabus with at least one question per element and all questions are compulsory.

The multiple choice assessment must be accessed and completed via NEBOSH’s Online Assessment Platform and completed within a 24-hour assessment window. Learners can begin their assessment at any time within the 24-hour window but, once they have started the assessment, they must complete it within the designated time frame for the unit (90 minutes for PSM1). These assessments will also be remotely proctored to ensure their integrity.

Online multiple choice assessments [MCQ] take place monthly – upcoming dates can be found here:

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Please be aware that the online MCQ is not accessible via a smart device due to system requirements of the online proctoring. Additionally NEBOSH strongly recommend that you check your computer/laptop system against the requirements listed by their remote proctoring service, Proctorio. This information is available via the Proctorio website.

Course Programme

Block Release [4 day] course – a 4-day block followed by an online multiple choice assessment.

Please see our course calendar for dates.

Online multiple choice assessments [MCQ] take place monthly – upcoming dates can be found here:

Please be aware that the online MCQ is not accessible via a smart device due to system requirements of the online proctoring. Additionally NEBOSH strongly recommend that you check your computer/laptop system against the requirements listed by their remote proctoring service, Proctorio. This information is available via the Proctorio website.

Open Course Locations and Prices

Block Release – £945.00 + Vat = £1,134.00 [per learner]

The price includes the course text books, additional notes, NEBOSH fees, light lunches and refreshments during the course.

Please see our course calendar for dates.

Please be aware that prices vary for delegates on our discounted Resettlement and ELC Funded Training Package Scheme.

“In line with JSP 822, the funding received for ELCAS approved courses shall only include tuition, examination and certification fees, and VAT and that this excludes funding for food, accommodation, travel and subsistence and course study materials; it is also acknowledged, that the Service Personnel/Service Leavers are personally responsible for the funding of such provisions”.

For more information please go to the following webpage:

Course Dates and Venues

Please see our course calendar for all of our current course dates.

Online multiple choice assessments [MCQ] take place monthly – upcoming dates can be found here:

Please be aware that the online MCQ is not accessible via a smart device due to system requirements of the online proctoring. Additionally NEBOSH strongly recommend that you check your computer/laptop system against the requirements listed by their remote proctoring service, Proctorio. This information is available via the Proctorio website.


Not Currently Available

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:

NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:

NEBOSH Health and Safety Management for Construction (UK)

Lay the foundations for healthier and safer construction future.

Course Overview

Lay the foundations for healthier and safer construction.

Gain invaluable knowledge, practical skills AND a globally respected qualification that supports your role: You’ll gain:

  • Technical know-how to comply with legislation and implement best practice
  • Practical skills to apply back in the workplace
  • Confidence to influence your colleagues to work more safely
  • Ability to adapt to changing workplaces and sites

Everything you need to make your construction site healthier and safer!

Aligned to CDM regulations, NEBOSH Health and Safety Management for Construction (UK) is guided by legislation but focussed on best practice. With an emphasis on practical application, successful learners will be able to:

  • Recognise, assess and control a range of common construction hazards
  • Develop safe systems of work
  • Take part in incident investigations
  • Advise on the roles, competencies and duties under construction legislation
  • Positively influence health and safety culture
  • Confidently challenge unsafe behaviours
  • Help manage contractors.

This is a replacement qualification for the NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety. If you are studying the previous syllabus further information can be found on the NEBOSH website here.

Who is it for?

NEBOSH Health and Safety Management for Construction (UK) is ideal for:

  • Construction site managers
  • Contracts managers
  • Site workers with health and safety responsibilities
  • Construction health and safety advisors

It also makes excellent continued professional development (CPD) for health and safety professionals working in other industries or looking to move into construction.

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the construction industry loses around 2 million working days each year due to workplace injury and work-related illness.

NEBOSH Health and Safety Management for Construction (UK) can help to:

  • Minimise workplace injuries and illness
  • Ensure you comply with Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM)
  • Understand the responsibilities of the six roles in the CDM regulations
  • Boost employee wellbeing
  • Demonstrate your commitment to health and safety, which can help win business
  • Strengthen your health and safety culture.

CITB Construction Skills Grant

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has funding available for the achievement of approved short-period qualifications in core construction skills, this includes the NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety.

Click here to find out if you are eligible. Find out more about the grant and how to claim on the CITB website.

CSCS AQP card scheme

NEBOSH Health & Safety Management for Construction (UK) qualification holders are eligible to apply for the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Academically Qualified Person (AQP) card scheme.


NEBOSH Gold Learning Provider Banner

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

It is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus. NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit CN1: Managing Construction Safety

Element 1. The foundations of construction health and safety management
Element 2. Improving health and safety culture and assessing risk
Element 3. Managing change and procedures
Element 4. Excavation
Element 5. Demolition
Element 6. Mobile plant and vehicles
Element 7. Working at height
Element 8. Musculoskeletal health and load handling
Element 9. Work equipment
Element 10. Electricity
Element 11. Fire
Element 12. Chemical and biological agents
Element 13. Physical and psychological health


The course is presented as a 10 day block; this is a stand alone course which delivers the full NC1 syllabus content.

The course is assessed by an “open book” case study assessment, which will be based on a realistic scenario, that will test both what you know and what you can do. You have 48 hours to complete and return the assessment after receiving the case study information from NEBOSH. This is followed by a closing interview to confirm that the submitted assessment is all your own work.


Course Programme

Block Release [10 day] course – 2 x 1 week blocks [not including weekends].

+ NC1 Open Book Assessment (done in learners own home)

Please see our course calendar for dates.

Open Course Locations and Prices


Block Release [10 Day] – £1,750.00 + Vat = £2,100.00 [per delegate]

The price includes the course text books, additional notes, NEBOSH fees, light lunches and refreshments during the course.

Please see our course calendar for dates.

Please be aware that prices vary for delegates on our discounted Resettlement and ELC Funded Training Package Scheme.

“In line with JSP 822, the funding received for ELCAS approved courses shall only include tuition, examination and certification fees, and VAT and that this excludes funding for food, accommodation, travel and subsistence and course study materials; it is also acknowledged, that the Service Personnel/Service Leavers are personally responsible for the funding of such provisions”.

For more information please go to the following webpage:

Course Dates and Venues

Please see our course calendar for all of our current course dates.

E-Learning Course

Not currently available

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:

NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:

NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety

This qualification can help you protect your people, property and business from the devastating harm a fire can cause.

Course Overview

The NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety is a globally relevant fire safety qualification that you can complete in just one week.

Through its focused syllabus you can learn and develop fire safety skills that can be used in workplaces anywhere in the world. On completion of the NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety you will have the knowledge and skills to:

  • Understand fire and explosion protection and prevention principles
  • Carry out an effective fire risk assessment in a low to medium risk workplace.

This qualification can help you protect people, property and ultimately your business from the harm a fire can cause.

This is a replacement qualification for the NEBOSH Fire Safety and Risk Management Certificate. If you are studying the previous syllabus, further information can be found on the NEBOSH website here.

The NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety is ideal for:

  • Those responsible for fire safety in low to medium risk workplaces
  • Health and Safety managers
  • Facilities Managers
  • Health and safety representatives within businesses.

This relevant and respected fire safety qualification will help you to:

  • Gain a solid technical foundation to build on through practical application and experience
  • Positively influence fire safety behaviours and improve fire safety culture
  • Learn fire safety techniques that are based on global best practice
  • Provide valuable in-house fire safety expertise for you workplace
  • Advance your career by gaining specialist fire safety knowledge
  • Avoid the damaging and sometimes catastrophic losses that result from fire.


NEBOSH Gold Learning Provider Banner

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

It is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus. NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit FSC1: Fire Safety

Element 1. Managing fire safety
Element 2. Principles of fire and explosion
Element 3. Fuel, oxygen and ignition sources and control measures
Element 4. Fire protection in buildings
Element 5. Safety of people in the event of fire
Element 6. Fire safety risk assessment

Unit FSC2: Fire Risk Assessment

Practical assessment


Units FSC1 and FSC2 are taught units.

Unit FSC1 is assessed by an “open book” case study assessment. A learner has 24 hours to complete the assessment after receiving the case study information, but NEBOSH believe they should be able to finish the questions in 4-5 hours. This is followed by a closing interview to confirm that the submitted assessment is all the learners own work.

Unit FSC2 is a three-hour practical examination carried out by the learner in their own workplace.

Course Programme

Block Release [5 day] course – 1 week + Open Book Examination

Please see our course calender for dates.

Open Course Locations and Prices

Block Release – £990.00 + Vat = £1,188.00 [per delegate]

The price includes the course text books, additional notes, NEBOSH fees, light lunches and refreshments during the course.

Please see our course calendar for dates.

Please be aware that prices vary for delegates on our discounted Resettlement and ELC Funded Training Package Scheme.

“In line with JSP 822, the funding received for ELCAS approved courses shall only include tuition, examination and certification fees, and VAT and that this excludes funding for food, accommodation, travel and subsistence and course study materials; it is also acknowledged, that the Service Personnel/Service Leavers are personally responsible for the funding of such provisions”.

For more information please go to the following webpage:

Course Dates and Venues

Please see our course calendar for all of our current course dates.


Not Currently Available

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:

NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here:

NEBOSH HSE Award in Managing Risk and Risk Assessment at Work

Train in the HSE’s proven approach to health and safety risk management

Course Overview

Develop straightforward, practical health and safety risk management skills so you can go beyond risk assessment, to effectively control the health and safety risks caused by hazards in your workplace.

“Assessment is not the end product of risk management, and businesses should understand that the elimination or control of the assessed risks is the more important part of the overall process. This new qualification focuses on how organisations can effectively and sustainably manage risks in a proportionate manner.”

Ron Macbeth
Risk Assessment Technical Lead Health and Safety Executive

Who is it for?

Anyone involved in managing workplace health and safety risks including those who undertake risk assessments. The content will be particularly useful to employers, managers, supervisors, SHE champions and union and health and safety representatives.


What will I learn?

The NEBOSH HSE Award in Managing Risk and Risk Assessment at Work is a 1 day introductory level qualification, developed in conjunction with the health and safety regulator for Great Britain, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It is structured around HSE’s approach to controlling the health and safety risks caused by workplace hazards.

This qualification has been designed to assist staff or volunteers involved in managing workplace risks and who undertake risk assessments, to confidently identify sensible and proportionate precautions to control the risks in the workplace. The syllabus and accompanying workbook have been developed by NEBOSH, in conjunction with Great Britain’s Health and Safety Regulator, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), and is based on published HSE guidance

You will learn how to:

  • Identify hazards and be aware of some of the resources that can help
  • Assess risks in low to medium risk premises using simple HSE tools
  • Evaluate risks in a proportionate and sensible manner
  • Identify suitable control measures

How will it help me?

This qualification will help you:

  • Develop straightforward practical skills to manage workplace risks; something all employers need
  • Build confidence in your risk assessment capabilities
  • Contribute to the creation of a safer and healthier workplace as soon as you return to work

Benefits for Employers

The NEBOSH HSE Award in Managing Risk and Risk Assessment at Work will help you to:

  • Have confidence as your team will be trained in HSE’s current approach to health and safety risk management
  • Ensure your organisation has valuable in-house risk management expertise
  • Upskill your teams so they can carry out risk assessments in the right way and to the right standard
  • Create a safe and healthy work environment

Entry requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.

It is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus. NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 5.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit RAW1: Managing Risks in the Workplace

Element 1: Why manage health and safety risks

Element 2: Managing risk: Identification, understanding & control

Managing risk: Sources of information and the application of HSE risk assessment tools


A practical assessment is done at the end of the course, which will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.

You will be asked to watch a video of a real workplace and complete a risk assessment to identify how you would manage and prioritise the risks present.

Course Programme

The qualification is delivered over one day of tuition.

It can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Open Course Locations and Price

This course is available Live Online [via Zoom] at £295.00 (+ VAT) per learner, which includes all the NEBOSH Fees, etc.


This course is also available in-house, both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

In-House Course Fees

The course can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:


NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here: