NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Managing Stress at Work

This qualification will help learners, and their organisations reduce one of the biggest causes of work-related ill health; stress.

Course Overview

This qualification will help learners, and their organisations reduce one of the biggest causes of work-related ill health; stress.

Developed with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the health and safety regulator for Great Britain, the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Managing Stress at Work aims to help you identify and reduce workplace stressors in order to create a positive, healthier workplace.

“Organisations that take action to reduce work-related stress before it becomes a problem have reported improvements in productivity, staff retention and a reduction in sickness absence. It’s more than that though. It’s about creating the right work environment for people to thrive and if you don’t look at what you are doing at the organisational level, everything else is just a sticking plaster.”

Jen Webster – Occupational Psychologist, HSE

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Who’s it for?

This qualification is suitable for anyone responsible for employee wellbeing or for managing workplace stress, including :
Health and Safety professionals
Human Resource professionals
Line managers and supervisors
Occupational health professionals

Entry requirements

It is important that learners have a suitable standard of English language in order to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus.

NEBOSH recommends that learners undertaking this qualification should reach a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 6.0 or higher in IELTS tests.

Unit MSW1: Identifying and managing workplace stressors

Element 1: Key principles
Element 2: Identification of risk
Element 3: Implementing interventions

What will I learn?

Studying this qualification will help you understand:
The key principles of work-related stress and its relationship to mental ill health issues
How to recognise the causes and effects of workplace stress
The responsibilities of employers and individual roles in managing workplace stress
How to apply the HSE’s Management Standards approach to assess stress risks in the workplace
How to develop suitable interventions to address stressors, reduce negative impacts, and manage the effects of stress in the workplace
Ways to continually improve your organisation and create a great place to work

Benefits for Employers

Investing in the understanding and prevention of work-related stress and improved wellbeing can benefit your organisation in several ways. This qualification will help you to:
Build valuable in-house expertise
Improve staff attendance levels and reduce absences
Boost staff performance and productivity
Enhance your organisation’s reputation
Build organisational and workforce resilience
Reduce the threat of litigation
Create a safer and healthier work environment

This qualification will give you confidence that your team is trained in HSE’s current approach to managing and controlling stress at work. By adopting the principles taught in this qualification you can empower your employees to create a positive workplace, and significantly reduce the causes and effects of workplace stress.


A one hour multiple-choice assessment is completed at the end of the course. You will be presented with a realistic workplace scenario, and will answer multiple-choice questions focused on the principles learnt throughout the course.

Course Programme

A 1 day (7 hour) course including the assessment.

It can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Open Course Locations and Price

This course is available Live Online [via Zoom] at £295.00 (+ VAT) per learner, which includes all the NEBOSH Fees, etc.

This course is also available in-house, both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

In-House Course Fees

The course can be delivered both by online/remote learning (using Zoom) or face-to-face.

Dates to be arranged with client. Please contact us for a quotation.

Learner Training Needs Assessment

Please complete and return this Learner Training Needs Assessment to us when you contact us to help us better understand your individual training needs: Learner Training Needs Assessment

Our main contact e-mail address is:

NEBOSH Resources

The NEBOSH resources for this qualification, including the course syllabus and NEBOSH Learner Terms and Conditions, can all be downloaded from the NEBOSH website here:

NEBOSH Certificate Verification Service

NEBOSH receives regular requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other similar bodies to verify that an individual actually holds a NEBOSH qualification.

You can now verify NEBOSH certificates using their free self-service verifications platform: NEBOSH Verifications.

If a certificate was issued before 1991, or if the online platform cannot verify the certificate with the information you have provided, you may still need to contact NEBOSH directly in line with their Verifications Policy here: