Sellafield Process Safety Management Course Success

Sellafield Process Safety Management Course Success

We delivered our first NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management course for a cohort of learners from Sellafield in w/c Monday 11th October 2021.

How did it go?

The course was very well received. The learners were very engaged with the training and I’m very pleased to say they were rewarded with a 100% pass rate:

What did the learners think of the course?

“A really good course that provides a solid foundation on safety management for people working in the chemical process industries. For someone like myself who has worked in the industry for some years it joined the dots and put a range of process safety topics in order and context”

Dr Glyn R Thomas, CChem, FRSC, Grad IOSH
Sellafield Control Of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH), Capability Lead

“A great introduction for anyone starting or looking to work in the process safety management sector”.

Tina Mason, BA (Hons), Dip NEBOSH, CMIOSH
COMAH Support, NEH&S

What does the course cover?

NEBOSH collaborated with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to develop the NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management qualification, which combines the advanced technical ‘high hazard’ expertise of HSE with NEBOSH’s ability to deliver strong vocational OSH qualifications.

It is designed to equip delegates with a broad understanding of the accepted principles and recognised industrial practices for the management of process risk. This will ensure that they can recognise and contribute to the control of process safety hazards.

Who is it for?

People from all around the world who work in process industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals. It is ideal for managers, safety representatives and health and safety advisors working within the process industries. It is not designed for chemical and process safety engineers experienced in the specification, design and maintenance of process plant.

It is recommended that learners should already have an underpinning knowledge of health and safety issues, and many will have gained another NEBOSH qualification.

Course Delivery Options

We have an open course delivery scheduled at Energus in Workington the w/c Monday 11th July 2022.

We can also deliver this course “in-house” for you either Live Online (via Zoom or Teams) or Face-to-Face (in the classroom). Please contact us on or (01900) 609175 to discuss your requirements.

Find out more about the course here:

Michael’s Story ~ told by his sister Louise

A health and safety campaigner and guest speaker has released a series of videos calling on employers to make positive changes to mark what should have been the year leading up to her brother’s 40th birthday.

In the videos, Louise Taggart talks about her electrician brother, Michael Adamson, who was electrocuted at work in 2005 and she outlines what employers can do to improve health and safety at work.



Louise has made these short videos publicly available and has asked that, should you wish to use them in your own workplace or training provision, you make a donation to Scottish Hazards to aid their preventative work. Donate here

Louise’s mission

 Louise hopes the videos will prompt leaders to reflect on their effectiveness, reinvigorate for line managers and supervisors the role they must play in enabling and driving safe behavioursandl give people the courage to speak up when they see something unsafe.

She has also released the videos to help raise money for the health and safety charity Scottish Hazards and to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day.

 I’m on a mission to ensure that lessons are learned from my wee brother’s death so that others are able to return home safe and sound to their loved ones at the end of each and every working day or night.” Louise Taggart

To find out more about Michael’s Story visit


NEBOSH Top Candidate Award Winners 2016/17

Our students succeed ~ some exceptionally so !

Carley Davies

Top performing candidate for the NEBOSH National Diploma Unit A Exam during 2016/17.

Mark Axford

Top performing candidate for the NEBOSH Environmental Diploma Exam during 2016/17.

Hear from them both (and the other NEBOSH Award Winners) on the NEBOSH Diploma Best Candidates 2017 video:

Sebastian Wilkinson

Top performing candidate for the NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management Exam during 2009/10.


Claire Jones

Top performing candidate for the NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management Exam during 2009/10.


Andrew Doe

Top performing candidate for the NEBOSH Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management Exam during 2008/9.


Hayley Hebson

Top performing candidate for the NEBOSH Specialist Diploma in Environmental Management Exam 2007/8

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Our delegates regularly win awards for their success with us. Click here for more details.

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