One in five bosses NOT trained in health and safety.
Managers play a crucial role in preventing work-related accidents and ill health – but one in five companies don’t train them in health and safety, according to a new report published today.
As businesses look to manage safe returns to workplaces, the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) says line managers are best placed to communicate messages around worker protection while also being able to recognise and act on new hazards.
Its report, published today and called How to manage your people safely, includes the results of a YouGov survey of nearly 700 company decision-makers from a range of sectors about how health and safety is managed.
Of the respondents, 96 per cent agreed that line managers are important in ensuring the people who report to them are safe and healthy in the workplace, with 21 per cent saying investigations into accidents had shown a management failure was a contributing factor.
However, 19 per cent said their organisations don’t train line managers in health and safety, a cause for concern for IOSH. Most of these organisations are small or medium sized, with 250 employees or less.
Download the full report here: managing-your-people-safely
Research Report: Managing your people safely.
Findings from a new report by IOSH and YouGov reveal why businesses are giving their line managers health and safety training.
There is growing evidence in business of the returns from investment in workplace safety and health.
Organisations that invest are seeing a positive impact on their workers’ effectiveness and a range of business benefits, such as a positive, caring work culture, increased productivity and an enhanced reputation.
In this report, IOSH examine the importance of one group of people in an organisation that is critical in creating safe and healthy places of work – line managers. These employees, who carry the burden of responsibility for ensuring their teams are tasked safely and act safely, are on the front line of workplace safety and health.
How an employer makes sure they are equipped to play this role, a legal obligation in many countries, is one of the most important duties they hold.
Download the full report here: managing-your-people-safely
[Article sourced from the IOSH website here: and ]